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Gold Box "Infinity"
Linear Regulated Power Supplies (to 150 watts)

AC-DC single output



Overvoltage Protection Options*$15.00+$35*
A1  OVP set 15% above maximum rated output. Non-latching.
A2  OVP set 15% above maximum rated output. Latching. Includes latching overcurrent option "C9". Reset by momentarily removing AC input power.
A3  OVP adjustable from Vout minimum to 15% higher than the maximum rated output voltage. Non-latching. Screwdriver adjustment accessible through the top panel.
A4  OVP tracks as Vout is adjusted; OVP triggers between 1v minimum above Vout to 15% above Vout. Latching.
IEC AC Input Connector Options$15.00 
B1  IEC inlet on the rear, with accessible fuse.
B2  IEC inlet on the front, with accessible fuse.
AC Input Voltage Options 
B3  210-250 VAC input. Internally fused for a single phase source.$15.00
B4  105-125 VAC or 210-250 VAC input, selectable with switch on rear. Internally fused for a single phase source.$25.00
B5  105-125 VAC or 210-250 VAC input, selectable with switch on front. Internally fused for a single phase source.$25.00
B6  105-125 VAC or 210-250 VAC strappable input. External fusing required. Input voltage of 115 or 230 VAC can be selected by the use of jumpers on a 4 place pluggable terminal block located on the front panel.$20.00
L1  90-110 VAC input. Internally fused for a single phase source. (Add 5 days to standard shipping time.)$40.00
L2  22-26 VAC input. Internally fused for a single phase source. (Add 5 days to standard shipping time.)$40.00
L3  195-220 VAC input. Internally fused for a single phase source. (Add 5 days to standard shipping time.)$40.00
Power Switch Options$10.00 
B8  AC on/off rocker switch on front panel.
B9  AC on/off rocker switch on rear panel.
Voltage Output Adjust and Current Limit Adjust 

(standard:screwdriver slot accessible through the front panel for Vout adjust.)

C1  Front panel knobs; (one for voltage, one for current) used to adjust output voltage and current (Current adjustment range is same as for option C2)$55.00
C2  Current Limit adjustment screwdriver slot accessible through the front panel. Single Output models: current adjustment range is ±10% of maximum rated output current. Wide Adjust models: current adjustment range is from zero to maximum rated output current.$10.00
Inhibit or Enable*$10.00+$35*
C3  Inhibit control, TTL compatible. To disable the supply, apply a voltage between the "Rtn" terminal and the "Inh/Ena" terminal. The voltage can be any value from +3 Vdc to +15 Vdc.
C4  Enable Control, TTL compatible. To enable the DC output, the "Inh/Ena" terminal must either be shorted to the "Rtn" terminal or pulled to within 0.8 Vdc of the "Rtn" terminal. An open collector or contact closure can be used.
Output Programming Options (Wide Adjust models only)*$15.00+$35*

(voltage and/or current)
Voltage mode accuracy: 0.5%. Current mode accuracy is 0.5% or +/- 15mA, whichever is greater. Accuracy percentages do not apply below 5% of output rating.

C5  The output voltage and current may be programmed from 0 to full rating by means of control voltage inputs of 0 to +5 Vdc.
C6  The output voltage and current may be programmed from 0 to full rating by means of control voltage inputs of 0 to +10 Vdc.
Voltage and Current Monitoring, Option “C7”*$15.00+$35*
For models with no programming or with 0-10v programming (option “C6”)
 Voltage Monitor Terminal: Permits remote monitoring of output voltage, stepped down by a ratio of 10:1 (for 3.3v to 90v models) or 100:1 (for 100v to 150v models). Accuracy is 0.5% of maximum rated output voltage.
Current Monitor Terminal:For models with greater than 10 amps output current: permits remote monitoring of output current, stepped down by a ratio of 100 mV/Amp (accuracy is 1% of maximum rated output current). For models with less than 10 amps output current: permits remote monitoring of output current, stepped down by a ratio of 1000 mV/Amp (Accuracy is 1% of maximum rated output current or +/- 15mV, whichever is greater).
For models with 0-5v programming (option “C5”)
 Voltage Monitor Terminal: Permits remote monitoring of output voltage, stepped down by a ratio of 10:1 (for 3.3v to 45v models) or 100:1 (for 48v to 150v models). Accuracy is 0.5% of maximum rated output voltage.
Current Monitor Terminal:For models with greater than 45 amps output current: permits remote monitoring of output current, stepped down by a ratio of 10 mV/Amp. For models with from 5 amps to 45 amps output current: permits remote monitoring of output current, stepped down by a ratio of 100 mV/Amp. For models with less than 4.5 amps output current: permits remote monitoring of output current, stepped down by a ratio of 1000 mV/Amp. (Accuracy is 1% of maximum rated output current or +/- 15mV, whichever is greater).
(When monitoring the output voltage and/or current by means of the monitor terminals, the use of an instrument having an input impedance of at least 10 megohms is recommended.)
AC On/Off Control$35.00 
C8  Apply control voltage between terminals 21 and 22 to turn power supply on. Control voltage range is 11 to 28 Vdc (@ 65ma maximum).
Latching Overcurrent Control$5.00 
C9  If current is greater than 15% of the maximum rated output current, the power supply latches off. Reset by momentarily removing AC input power. This option is included with Option A2.
Over Temperature Protection$15.00 
D1  An internal thermostat will automatically shut down the power supply in the event of an over temperature condition. Power supply resets automatically.
Thermostatically Controlled Fan$25.00 
D2  Fan remains off until forced-air cooling is required.
Output Blocking Protection Diode$25.00 
E1  Used for battery charging or redundant applications. Derate output by 10%.
Transient Protection for Electrically Noisy Environments$35.00 
E2  Transient protection for AC input and DC output.
High Frequency Pulsed Load Filtering$30.00 
E3  Recommended for applications such as "switched loads" and "stepper motors".
Series Operation Diode$15.00 
E4  Allows power supplies to operate in series, for applications requiring higher output voltage.
High Isolation Output$25.00 
E5  May be floated at 1000 Vdc above case.
AC Inrush Current Limiting$35.00 
E6  AC inrush is limited by a 10 ohm impedance.
Table Top Rubber Mounting Feet$15.00 
Alarm with Relay Contacts Options*$15.00+$35*
G1  NC Relay contacts close when output voltage drops more than 10% below nominal.
G2  NO Relay contacts open when output voltage drops more than 10% below nominal.
Status LEDs on Front Cover*$15.00+$35*
G3  Green LED indicates Vout is between -10% and +15% of rated output. Red LED indicates a fault condition; thermal (for units with option D1), overcurrent, under or overvoltage.
'Voltage output OK' Monitor*$10.00+$35*
G4  TTL High when Vout is between -10% and +15% of rated output.
Temperature Monitor*$25.00+$35*
G5  The temperature monitor is used to measure the power supply's internal temperature. Monitor output voltage is set to 2.5 Vdc at 25°C and varies above or below this value by 0.1 Vdc per °C. For example, if the temperature is 20°C the output will be 2 Vdc.
Additional, Low Current, Auxiliary Voltage Options*$25.00+$35*

<1% initial Accuracy, ±0.5% Line and ±0.5% Load Regulation, <10mv peak-to-peak ripple. (Not available with option G5.)

H1  Auxiliary output: 3.3 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H2  Auxiliary output: 5 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H3  Auxiliary output: 12 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H4  Auxiliary output: 13.8 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H5  Auxiliary output: 15 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H6  Auxiliary output: -5 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H7  Auxiliary output: -12 Vdc, 0.1 amp
H8  Auxiliary output: -15 Vdc, 0.1 amp
Redundancy ('OR-ing' or 'Blocking Diode')$190.00 
J3  Redundancy is attained by simply wiring two units in parallel. Derate output by 10%.
  • Non-latching OVP set 15% above rated output. (Option A1).
  • Alarm with relay contacts that close when output voltage drops more than 10% below nominal (Option G1).
  • Output blocking protection diode (Option E1).
  • Remote sensing.
Final Test Data$35.00 
K6  Final test data also includes an extended 8 hour burn-in. (Add 2 days to standard shipping time.)
AC on/off LED on Front Cover$10.00 
K7  Red LED indicates AC is on.
*The “$35(one-time only charge)” is only added to the total cost of the power supply one time no matter how many options are ordered.